Our Bin Picking solution is a state of the art, robot-independent application developed in-house and supported by a high-end Zivid 3D camera.
With 45 years of experience in custom machinery, we have developed a novel approach to high-speed, high-accuracy bin picking. Our position, know-how and familiarity with all the actors in the field allow us to go beyond our competitors and comfortably offer a fully integrated, custom fitted bin picking solution as well as support and training for our product.
Our recent software updates combined with our new partnership with Zivid has made for yet more performance improvements :
Along with the core improvements, we have added a custom web interface allowing to very quickly configure parts, bins and the surrounding environment in a few minutes. This allows us to quickly test the feasibility of new parts and be reactive to any change, and allows clients interested in setting up or adapting the system themselves, to do so in a friction-less manner.
For a free feasibility test on your parts or for any question, contact us via mail or phone:
+33 (0)3 26 60 88 31